Preparing for the birth of a child can be the busiest time in your life. Believe me, as a mama of 4 I can remember readying the nursery, washing all the adorable tiny baby clothes and buying the last minute “essentials”. I haven’t even mentioned all of the tasks that a mom

has to do herself to get ready, like figuring out her new eating and exercise plan, packing the hospital bag and, possibly most important, trying to get some rest and relaxation in before the long nights of broken sleep and early mornings of sweet snuggles arrive. The question at hand is, among the list of things a mama already has to do to prepare for birth, should taking a childbirth education class be a top priority? Additionally, if this is baby number 3 or 4 is it even necessary?
You don't know what you don't know!
My answer to you is, absolutely but maybe for a reason you did not expect. I believe every expecting family should take a childbirth education class if they have not taken one already. As helpful as the hospital classes and tours are, often times they will not teach you the ins and outs of birth or different techniques to use while laboring. Having knowledge of what will be going on during labor and delivery will make all the difference.
Once, I had a 4th time momma in a class. She had delivered all her previous babies vaginally and un-medicated and said each labor and birth was getting more and more challenging than the last. She decided that she HAD to do something different. So this time around she hired a doula and took a childbirth education class. During class she and her husband couldn’t stop saying how much information they didn’t realize they didn’t know. They later reported that “this was the best birth experience ever!” Again, knowledge of what will be going on during labor and delivery can make all the difference.
There's lots you can learn
The childbirth education class offered at Viumbe was created with you and your busy schedule in mind. That is why we offer a convenient, one day, 5-6 hour training that has everything you will need to know for you to feel equipped, prepared and empowered for your birth. In this class you will learn:
- How prenatal self-care can give you an extra advantage for optimal labor and delivery
- Specific birth plan options and how to communicate your preferences with your birth team
- A complete understanding of the labor and delivery process
- Different pain management strategies you can use during labor
Another thing that makes this class unique and an absolute necessity before birth is the fact that it covers more than just how to birth. We uncover ways to communicate effectively with your birth team and learn how to work with your birth partner to create the most supportive environment for what’s likely to be the most intense but powerful moments of your life.
Even if you’ve never given birth before you probably know that birth is not 100% predictable. One thing all moms have in common, whether this is their first baby or their 5th, is not knowing exactly when, where, or how their labor and birth will go. Since we cannot tell the future, the next best thing is to educate ourselves on what physiological birth looks like and ways to prepare for and support that. This will ensure that you are both equipped with awareness, tools and techniques to support your labor and birth process and to know if your birth has encountered a snag that requires modifications and adjustments to confidently pivot to a safe new birth path. There are many changes happening in your body during birth and education will give you the peace of mind mothers everywhere are looking for during labor and birth.
A way that's perfect for you
Whether attending a group, private, or virtual class each couple will be a part of a live interactive training experience with hands-on learning tools and will receive a workbook/parent guide. Our classes are fun, informative, and flexible providing a good fit for any couple that is ready to increase their understanding and appreciation of birth. Be in control of how your story will be told… contact us today to find out when our next group class is or to arrange a custom class that better fits your schedule.