Couples Massage Class
~2 hours/$150
Everyone loves a good massage! And one that lasts longer than three minutes! When the stress and tension of your day need attention before your next professional massage is scheduled let’s make sure your partner is prepared to give your muscles the attention they need. Or even better, when you want to plan a special “Because I Appreciate You” evening you can show off your massage skills for your partner. Learn to give your loved one the gift of relaxation in this hands on class. Each of you will receive at least 30 minutes of massage and 30 minutes of massage practice as well as learn
- Communication for compassionate touch
- How to make your own massage oil
- Sustainable body mechanics
- In home partner massage techniques and modifications
Private In-home Classes always available
Let’s Make a Baby
~2.5 hours / $175
Wouldn’t it be great if it were as easy as that? Truth is every conception is an actual miracle. When was the last time you studied conception? 6th grade health? 10th grade anatomy? For many people that was all the formal education they received. And if you’re lucky, any other information/education you received was at least mostly correct. Take this class to refresh (or begin) your understanding of conception and learn some things you can do to increase your odds of conception.
- Physiological process of conception
- Couples Fertility Massage and how it affects the body
- Holistic Products that aid conception
- How to sustain learned techniques
Private Classes always available
Group Class dates and Locations To Be Announced
Creating Your Birth Plan
~1.5 hours / $75
Parenting really begins as soon as your miracle of life begins growing. Life is one series of choices after another and you must now begin making choices for another human being. You probably have tons of birth plan questions and rightfully so! You have so many options for your labor and birth but many of them are not frequently/commonly discussed. In this class, we share those options with you and explain the “why you mights” and the “why you might nots” to each one.
- Options you have for your labor and birth
- Offer non-biased answers to questions about your birth options
- Provide checklists to prompt communication with/questions for your provider
- and give you templates to get your birth plan document started
Virtual Group Classes
Setting the Stage
~2 hours / $125
Labor. It’s intense, but your body was made for it. Doubt, fear, and tension attempt to derail you from your positive birth experience. As labor starts it is so important to get ahead of it with confidence, peace and the resolve to allow your body to do what it’s designed to do. This class will help you to do just that. This class is designed with early labor in mind and was created to get moms and birth partners relaxed, confident, and centered in the moment as labor starts. During our time together we’ll focus on
- Breath as a tool
- Hormones of labor
- Holding and Releasing Tension
- The 5 Steps to Setting the Stage
Private In-home Classes
Touch for Labor
~4 hours/$200
No one should never have to go through labor without support. And while support comes in many forms, most people that have been through labor before would probably agree that physical support is extremely helpful. This excellent interactive class for couples provides attendees with the techniques they will need to support their loved ones before and during labor and birth. This class teaches
- Several prenatal and labor massage techniques
- Pressure Points for term pregnancy and labor
- Counter Pressure techniques for labor
- When to use which comfort measures and
- How to perform them in a sustainable way
Private Classes always available
Group Class dates and Locations To Be Announced